1 definition by MittyOllieCamMattChrisJarod

Blonde girl with long torso. You will find Kate at the beach during summer break always flirting with the hot locals. She has small boobs however tricks men with her multiple push-up bras. She lures them into her house, feeds them a delectable home cooked meal by her mother (Sarah) and then proceeds to "get down and dirty" with her victim. Usually works for a chicken company where she collects the digits of much older customers. Enjoys stealing the innocence from young, sweet boys who go by the name of Jacob.
Me: I really like this guy called Alex
Kate: ohh really...

*Kate runs away, finds alex and fucks him dead*

Kate: I have genital thrush from having loads of sex with alex
Me: oh... *Heart breaks*
by MittyOllieCamMattChrisJarod February 14, 2012
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