10 definitions by MisterMaximvs

1- A woman role playing in a video game as a gay man.

2- The opposite of a mansbian.
That guy you role played erotic, gay sex with yesterday? He's a woman, bro. A wogay.
by MisterMaximvs July 31, 2017
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A mental illness that afflicts about 50 % of the human population. It's symptoms consists of:
1- Claiming they don't like problems, drama, trolls, troublemakers, etc.
2- Endlessly fighting them over long periods of time rather than seeking out a quick solution, because they secretly likes the drama they provide, often without even realizing it.
John would rather call Bob a troll for over a year now, instead of just blocking him in the chat. He suffers from the hidden drama whore syndrome.
by MisterMaximvs August 3, 2017
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Wuhan Flu Weebs, or WFW, are anime fans that doesn't accept the theory that Covid 19 originated from China.
John is a Wuhan flu weeb that cries every time we call Covid 19 the Wuhan flu.
by MisterMaximvs September 10, 2020
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