1 definition by MisterKY2004

Circumcision is a medical procedure for males that involves removal of the foreskin. The procedure can be done for various medical, religious, aesthetic, or cultural reasons. For instance, it is common practice to circumcise newborns in Judaism and Islam.
While controversial to some as they may view it as genital mutilation or unnatural, it has been shown that circumcision can lower the risk of various STDs.
The procedure is most often done to newborns with permission from their parents. However the practice of adult circumcision is not uncommon. It can be necessary in cases of phimosis, a tightening of the foreskin, resulting in discomfort or gross unhygiene.

However, with the glans of the penis exposed, recovery can be lengthy and, even once recovered, friction with the area can be problematic.
Person A: Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to see eachother tomorrow, mabye go for coffee or something, have some lunch?
Person B: Nah, that's not gonna work out. I'm getting my circumcision tomorrow.
Person A: Oh. Well then. Maybe some other time?
Person B: I don't know, my penis is gonna be a bit sensitive for a while, I might have to put off any internal or external stimuli with my Johnson for at least a while, so I think I'll pass.
Person A: Oh. Okay.
by MisterKY2004 May 21, 2020
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