1 definition by Miss anonymous ranter

Something that excites the youth of today and well, pisses the population of the world who has a decent taste in movies off. Me for example.

Twilight is what ruined vampires for the world by getting them confused with another fictional character; Faeries. Look at the comparison;


-Doesn't drink blood
-Fictional character
-Tries to help humans (Fails miserably)

-Doesn't drink blood
-Tries to help humans

Or you could compare Edward to being a cupcake or not, I don't want to ruin cupcakes for the world.

As for Bella, who could create such a dry and useless character who has zero personality but has enough life in her to fawn over a fake vampire; well you have to congratulate the author on that at least.

Not as if the world overlooks that; they do.

Why would the world love Edward anyway when there are much cooler vampires out there that have much more personality, fit and also make you want to watch the movie,



I suppose twilight may give hope to young writers out there, if this crap can be published, become popular and also get a movie made about it then it gives hope to all the budding writers out there who can't write for toffee but hey write about sparkly vampires and you got a hit!

Twilight is crap people....
Friend 1: Lets go see "Twilight"!

Friend 2: Okay....

Halfway through the movie....

Friend 1: It's so beautiful..

Friend 2: *asleep*
by Miss anonymous ranter March 15, 2010
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