3 definitions by Miranda_danda_panda

The act of showing someone the divine musical creations of Cher for the very first time.
Miranda didn't know who Cher was! I ended up Chering the whole playlist with her so she could understand Cher is a QUEEN.
by Miranda_danda_panda February 18, 2020
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Queue: Sequence or list of songs to play in order
Usurping: To take a position of power illegally or by force

Queuesurping therefore means to place a song of your choice at the beginning or a queue or click play instead of adding it to the queue to surpass the other persons choice of music like a selfish asshole who doesn't share aux cords...
AKA a music hog who disrepects the system of the equal-opportunity queue system
MARKY stop queuesurping me! My song has been next on the queue for like ten minutes...
by Miranda_danda_panda February 18, 2020
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A fun slang term used mostly by locals to refer to the metropolitan area of Dallas, Texas.
My friends and I are going to a bachelorette party in The Dilly Dally next week, it’s such a great place to party!
by Miranda_danda_panda May 30, 2023
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