194 definitions by Mind Hunter the Profiler

protect the booty and not be fruity — prison slang for tactics used by inmates to protect themselves from prison rape.

If any of them actually worked, prison rape would not occur.

To not be raped in prison you must have a low score on the statistical indicators below. If you can check one or more of the the following factors below you are likely to be targeted for sexual assault the moment you enter a penal facility:

Youthful age
good looks
ambiguous sexual orientation

Characteristics that mark you as a candidate for abuse are:

small size
physical weakness
being white
being gay
being a first offender
possessing "feminine" characteristics such as long hair or a high voice
being unassertive or unaggressive
being shy
being intellectual
not being street-smart
being “passive"
having been convicted of a sexual offense against a minor
entering prison not associated with a set or a gang

Prisoners with one or more of these characteristics typically face an increased risk of sexual abuse, and prisoners with several overlapping characteristics are much more likely than other inmates to be targeted for abuse.

The best way to avoid prison rape is to stay out of prison at all costs. If you are reading an Urban Dictionary entry you need to avoid prison. And, if you write Urban Dictionary entries YOU REALLY NEED TO STAY OUT OF PRISON!!!!!!
According to Department of Corrections statistics there are several ways to protect the booty and not be fruity. If any of them actually worked; then, prison rape would be nonexistent.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler February 24, 2023
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If you don’t have a seat at the table; you ARE the menu — the American political reality that proves REPRESENTATION MATTERS!!!!

Another version of this saying is “If you don’t have a seat at the table; then you are on the menu.” Meaning: there are a lot of people who are going to get rights, privileges, and tax cuts at the expense of front line workers and people living on the margins.

This is most easily seen in areas where both gerrymandering and redistricting are used to disenfranchise minority voters.

Another area where this is seen is in the backlash against a woman’s right to choose. As of September 9th 2023, the young women coming of age in my family have fewer reproductive and healthcare options than did the generation that crossed into womanhood ahead of them.

Representation Matters and if you don’t have a seat at the table you are on the menu; indeed, if you don’t have a seat at the table you ARE the menu!
Representation matters: If you don’t have a seat at the table; you ARE the menu.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 9, 2023
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Happy Birthday, Donnie! — My heartfelt greetings to The Non-Teflon Don, The Orange Man, 222, The Foundling Father, Dope 45, the man, the myth, and the legend, Donald J. Trump.

Born on June 14th 1946, Trump is a strong textbook Gemini ♊️ who proves this often by speaking out of both sides of his mouth; and, taking “both sides, both sides” of every argument. Trump has a verbal tick of saying things twice for emphasis like Jimmy “Two Times” the character from Good Fellows.

He even fashions his carriage after his ideas about mob bosses; and, like every mob boss before him he is destined to get tripped up on paperwork and not by the actual crimes he has committed.

I know just what he wants for a 2023 birthday present! HE WANTS A BLANKET PARDON FOR ALL OF THE CRIMES HE HAS COMMITTED AND WILL ULTIMATELY BE CONVICTED OF because even John Gotti didn’t beat every charge against him.

Will he get a pardon, ultimately? To quote Dolt 45, “We’ll see, we’ll see”.

Maybe I should add “Donnie ‘ Two Times’” to his growing list of sobriquets as my poetic birthday present to him.

So be it!!!!!! Happy Birthday “Donnie ‘Two Times’l
Happy Birthday, Donnie! I bet you asked for a blanket pardon this year!!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler June 14, 2023
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“Rat Up” — The only way to cut a deal with law enforcement; to escape prosecution; and, to become eligible for the witness protection program is to “Rat Up”.

You cannot cut a deal will law enforcement by informing on people below you or with a parallel function to yours; to cut a deal you must “Rat Up” and inform on people higher in authority and more deeply embeded in the organization under investigation.

If you do this; then more likely then not, you will be found dead and hanging in your jail cell; or, in the trunk of a car in long term parking with a rat in each hand and one in your dead mouth.

One who “Rats Up” is a person without a team, family, friends, or a country because even authorities think: “If they will do it with you then; they will do it to you.”

Don’t ever “Rat Up”; and, don’t do any crime if you can’t do the time.
You cannot cut a deal will law enforcement by informing on people below you or with a parallel function to yours; to cut a deal you must “Rat Up” and inform on people higher in authority and more deeply embeded in the organization under investigation.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler March 31, 2023
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It’s a man’s world but; women run it! — The social, political, spiritual, and economic certainty that when positive change is needed in the world if comes through the feminine shakti force generated and channeled through women.

This is why even though western religions have attempted to eradicate the presence of the Divine Feminine, cults of Mary continue to arise in places like Madjugorje in Croatia even in the contemporary age.

If you don’t think that it’s true try to build a social, political, spiritual, or economic movement without powerful women; you’ll fuck around and find out!!!!!

Many a strong man has died with the word “mother” being the last word that he uttered.
1) It’s a man’s world; but, women run it! I gave that bastard the best years of my life and now he wants a divorce? He’s going to fuck around and find out!!!!!!

Her best friend: Amen!!!!

2) It’s a man’s world; but, women run it! — Take away our right to choose and we stopped “the red wave” with “THE O.G. RED WAVE” !!!!!!!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler January 1, 2023
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45 caught 34 — a new slogan that commemorates April 4th 2023 when the twice impeached failed 45th president caught 34 felony charges. It was historic — an American history first.
On April 4th 2023, 45 caught 34 — an American history first.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler April 6, 2023
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Light fuse and get away!!!! — The resigned acknowledgement that one is involved in a relationship with a — relatively — volatile person. If you don’t qualify and modify the previous statement with the word “relatively” YOU WILL HAVE A FIGHT ON YOUR HANDS!!!!!

Light fuse and get away is a traditional warning on especially explosive and fiery 4th of July fireworks. Volitive lovers are are fun for the same reasons that these types of fireworks are exciting: SOMETIMES VOLITILITY CAN BE AS HOT AND AS EXPLOSIVE AS HELL.

Is a question of timing and skill with long and short fuses.
I’m not saying anything about your lover; but, if your lover had a label it would be: Light fuse and get away!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler March 8, 2023
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