194 definitions by Mind Hunter the Profiler

make your babies crosseyed — one of the cursing powers attributed to groups reputed to have acquired occult knowledge through the use of sympathetic magic.

The key to curses is the concept of duality: in the world of day and night every energy causes its opposite to naturally arise. If you believe in blessings then curses naturally arise and vice versa.

ThIs understanding is also the key to breaking curses through the harmonization of opposites. For example the concepts of day and night are harmonized through a single concept such as “Now” or “Time”. If you let go of blessings; then curses lose their power.

Mess around and find out!!!!
Avoid infuriating anyone reputed to have occult or magical powers; they can put a mojo on your balls and make your babies crosseyed.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler March 14, 2023
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Serial Liars — A dark past time of MAGA Republican Party members.

Highly visible members of the MAGA Republican Party murder the truth the way America’s most prolific Serial Killer, Samuel Little, killed his victims.

Serial Liars strangle the Truth with their bare hands; abandon it in public places, and carefully choose truths to murder that no one will miss.

In this way Serial Liars walk among us without getting caught even though they have many “near miss” encounters with the law; and joyfully, publicly, and proudly confess when asked about their crimes.

By the time they are caught, tremendous irreparable damage has already been done. It could be that Truth murdered and crushed to the earth may not inevitably rise again. Stay tuned.

Two of Americas most famous and prolific Serial Liars are Donald Trump and George Santos.

Donald Trump has 30,573 documented serial lies to his credit.

George Santos — considered a Trump copy cat Serial Liar — was caught earlier in his career before he was able to perfect his killing technique and become an organized Serial Liar. As of May 11th 2023 Santos is facing a 13 count indictment and up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

The key to serial lying is: killing little truths that no one will miss; disposing of the truth in a public place; letting the elements of society trample all over the evidence; and, walking freely in America spawning copy cats Serial Liars who look almost like your friends and neighbors.

The most dangerous thing about Serial Liars Is that they blend in and look just like everyone else.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler May 11, 2023
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The articulation of a fantasy; or, the practicing of an act that is waaaaaaaaaaaay to descriptive to have just spontaneously arisen in the mind of the articulator or the performer.

And if you ask them to repeat what they just said or did; they actual can — on demand.


1) Her:

Do you think people ever make love on the living room floor covered with a large plastic drop cloth; after rubbing each other down with warm sesame oil while listening to a Drake album on infinite repeat?

Him: Wow, babe!!!! That’s waaaaaaaaaaaay overly specific!!!!!!

2) Friend #1

When you go to the gun range what do you use as a target?

Friend #2

Me? I traced an outline from a picture I pirated from Facebook of my ex-wife and her new husband on tracing paper using a thin Sharpie Marker.

Then, I had it enlarged and copied at the print shop on cream colored heavy poster paper — the same color she painted our bedroom when she redecorated in happier times.

by Mind Hunter the Profiler December 29, 2022
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50 shades of nay — the kink of becoming sexually aroused when refused or humiliated.

This kink was introduced to the world by Kevin McCarthy when he left the floor of the house after a historic 11 losses attempting to become the Speaker of the House.

“I feel good”, he said as he left the floor after being publicly humiliated yet again.
“50 shades of nay is my kink; whenever I’m rejected, I orgasm and ejaculate, said Kevin McCarthy explaining the stains on his pants to his political aids.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler January 6, 2023
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Rudy Ghouliani — as in WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED TO THIS MAN? He was America’s Mayor on 9/11.

He went from being one of the most feared prosecutors in American history and the R.I.C.O. Act pioneer; to becoming a Dwight Frye-like Rendield to Donald Trump’s Orange Count Dracula.

Oh how the mighty have fallen.

And now on May 16th 2023 he’s accused of selling Pardon Indulgences for the Pope of the MAGA party — along with a little sexual harassment; and, failure to uphold an employment contract by not paying an agreed upon salary to the woman that he sexually harassed.

“For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul”; especially of its just to eat flies and nice big spiders.
Under the influence of Donald “Orange Dracula” Trump, Rudy Giuliani became Rudy Ghouliani — a fly eating; pardon selling thrall enslaved by his spray tanned master.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler May 17, 2023
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DeSantis curious — The Republican Party kink of trying out Ron “pudding fingers and white rubber boots” DeSantis; as opposed to sticking with and getting screwed by Trump and Trump drama. The most recent example of Trump drama being Trump being found liable for the sexual abuse in the E. Jean Carroll on May 9th 2023.

The idea being: it may be better to be pudding fingered by DeSantis than to have the Republican Party FUCKED by Trump.

Unfortunately or fortunately, Ron DeSantis doesn’t have a personality; so, actually trying out pudding fingers is usually quite disappointing.
I used to like being grabbed by the pussy by Donald Trump; but, after years of this I’m kinda DeSantis curious.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler May 10, 2023
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Trumpcards.com is a web address using the most obvious play on words possible almost probably insuring that The Orange Mercenary-in-Chief has now copyrighted the words Trump, Card, Trumpcard, and Trumpcards.

The most humiliating and empty use of a teaser for a special announcement ever!

A former failed and twice impeached insurrectionist president pushing election denial lies sells online jpeg action figure cosplay cards NFT’s to his cult members for $99.00; thus proving that people over 70 don’t know how the internet actually works

Can you say screen capture, Donny? I knew that you could!!!!!!

This future failed venture was launched to coincide with the capture and extradition of Sam Bankman-Fried crypto currency Ponzi scheme perpetrator; and, Elon Musk banning journalist from Twitter because everyone knows that evil comes in threes.

It’s not ironic; it’s more like heavy handed forced coincidence.
Did you get your Trumpcard NFT’s from Trumpcards.com, yet? They are only $99.00 for pixels that you can screen capture, BUT, each time you buy one you are automatically entered into a sweepstakes to Dine with the Donald!!!!! WHAT A BARGAN!!!!!!
by Mind Hunter the Profiler December 16, 2022
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