1 definition by Milk69Milky


'A Lofty' in the sex industry, is where a person will position their naked self over an open loft hatch, with their rump and tackle hanging down into the room below. This is popularly achieved with the aid of an inflatable ring, to make the overall act more comfortable.

From beneath, men and women will use an array of sensual techniques to tease and pleasure the loftee.

Feathers, whips, food, sex toys, tattoo guns, castration equipment, suspensfull jaws music and fire are a handful of Lofty sensual techniques,

As well as a good old fashioned noshing off.

The lucky soul with their head in the loft will be experiencing great excitement, anticipation and immense pleasure, sometimes achieved through pain and ultimately achieving a 'Fibre Glass Euphoria': a term coined by modern day Lofty enthusiasts.
Hey guys, I have Terrance the postman over tonight and he's keen for a Lofty. If anyone would care to join in, I'll be laying down a tarp, so don't be affraid to get weird. I've baked a chocolate gateau.
by Milk69Milky October 5, 2021
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