40 definitions by Mike Truitt

The best damn place to live
I live in Jesusville and you do not! Na na na na na
by Mike Truitt June 18, 2003
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Character of Final Fantasy VII, often regarded as one of the most popular and recognizable characters the video game industry has ever seen. Most noted for the love triangle between him, Aeris and Tifa, and off course *lol* his Spikey Hair
Cloud is the coolest
by Mike Truitt June 12, 2003
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A woman who refuses to believe that anything that is not white christian middle-upper class is evil. Political correctness and purification of youth is the prime goal of this group. These "dress and act like we are 20 even though we all know we are double that age" sufferers are often found destroying the sacred enviornment in their oversized SUV's driving in an unsafe fashion, often times with cell phones in one hand and a Starbucks coffee in the other.
by Mike Truitt June 11, 2003
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