2 definitions by Mia grace Lancaster

The sweetest Person ever on planet,will do anything for her loved ones ,very caring,lovable,funny And is always ready to bring smile on other persons face .A very good friend with a big heart And a beautiful soul .
I have no real friends I wish I had a thoi mangang in my life .
by Mia grace Lancaster November 24, 2021
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Very ambitious And hard working .A Person with lots of potential And a good heart .May Not be able to express his feelings very well but values a Person very much.caring ,loving And a good human being always ready to help others .Also a memer And likes fiddling around And cracking jokes loves to be the centre of attention ..altogether a great human being with a good heart And good soul .
I wish I meet the Arun of my life ..
by Mia grace Lancaster November 24, 2021
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