3 definitions by Mergs99

To be approaching the height of a great time. When a party/gathering/evening finds its stride and you and your squad know whatever is next is about to be off-the-fuckin-chain!
Matty: Yo, is Aaron coming?
Brian: Yup! But he stopped to pick up a big bag of drugs in case everyone coming tonight wants to do drugs.

Matty: Yes!! That’s the fuckin mergs right there.

Brian: Fuckin right.
by Mergs99 November 23, 2021
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A bro who who has discovered the need to heal his emotional wounds and psychological trauma, specifically through the teachings of author Brené Brown.

Brené Bros will often talk about this process at great length to anyone who will listen.
Matt: Yo, Jay and I are gonna smoke, hit Buffalo Wild Wings, and see the new Fast and the Furious. You in?

Jeff: Um...

Matt: What?

Jeff: I mean...I just want to be sure we’re not all just selectively numbing our emotions-

Matt: Forget it ya fuckin Brené Bro!!!
by Mergs99 February 13, 2020
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An old-timey term for a handjob. The term was coined in Pompton Lakes, NJ.
Lawrence asked Samule, "What's that mess on your trousers?" Samuel replied, "The weather was so pleasant this evening that Eleanor and I took a good ol' pompton stroll behind the dumpster at the bakery."
by Mergs99 March 1, 2016
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