1 definition by MeredithHouselBrammer

Nickleback defined it best! "So hard to stay... Too hard to leave it"...The place where many non-New Jersey residents grew up. It is a drug that, once you have graduated from either BTHS or BMHS, you must FLEE FOR YOUR LIFE to get out of, though it holds a strong addiction that you must go back to. (i grew up there and I would love to go back) Bricktown is technically called just plain 'Brick'... NOT to be confused with Newark.."Da Bricks" like those morons that you have no interest of talking to on AOL think when they IM you out of nowhere and ask that wonderful question a/s/l?
Moron from AOL: "Hi, a/s/l pls" Bricktowner: "24/f/brick" Moron from AOL: "OH you from Newark, you must think you're tough!" Bricktowner: "Oh, you must be illiterate. Idiot"
by MeredithHouselBrammer August 21, 2006
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