1 definition by Mentally Handicap Victim

A person who gets a joy out of reactions, but dur to how bad it has gotten. Now can be considered a felony possibly to a terrorist charge soon near the future. Internet Trolls enjoy causing drama by using certain facts that are cherry picked to get negative reactions, gaslight when called or play ignorant, mainly manipulate easy targets such as mentally handicap individuals to commit serious felonies or crimes and then use them as scape goats to bait them and cause real life problems.

Lack any empathy what so ever and will commit defamation against anyone they don't like or for shits an giggles out of pure malice. Mainly targeting furries, otakus, innocent people, businesses, social platforms that are public, political parties, etc. They also admit to actual crimes and are selectively prejudice.

These individuals are usually in their 20s to 30s doing this messed garbage. They also love to manipulate people in power to abuse very popular and well known platforms just so they don't have to suffer consequences. To make those who they don't to suffer for their personal disgusting amusement. Also willing to go as far as to create false or forged information or to use topics they cherry pick or edit to cause serious problems for everyone. Internet trolls also may or possibly possess illegal content to use to defame people or for their own sick twisted pleasure.
This internet troll posting tortured live animals here is just messed up.

Why does this internet troll have child porn despite he posted this on that guy's forum, while accusing him of being a pedophile?

Internet troll calls a person a racist yet made about ninety percent of racist jokes towards certain ethnicities.
by Mentally Handicap Victim November 1, 2021
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