1 definition by Melvin172092222

A test designed by ETS (Educational Testing Service) to screw you over. ETS is a non-profit organization, or so those bastards claim, until you drive up to New York and see them playing on their huge gulf course with $300,000 cars parked in the lot. Oh, wait, I forgot to ask how much that gulf course costs.

Those who do well love it, those who don't hate it.

A very unfair test. A guy with average SAT scores can get straight A's in high school taking all AP classes, a super lazy smart ass who don't do shit in high school can still score a 2300. Basically fucks up the guy with 4.7 GPA who could've got into an Ivy League and even get a 4.0 there. Very fair indeed.

That basically tells you that the test is biased as hell towards so-called "more capable" people who supposeldy have "loads of intelligence" and "potential." Bullshit.

A test the colleges can do without, but use it anyway to distinguish among similarly qualified applicants with close GPAs. Like they give a damn if the test is unfair, they can't come up with a fair test themselves anyway. No one can.

People who lived in the US and learned English for fewer than 5 years will struggle on the verbal and writing section of SAT. The fact that they don't make an alternative test for these folks is just plain bullshit. TOFL doesn't even count. If you get a 500 on verbal you're DONE, they'll take that instead of TOLFL and instead your true potential of actually scoring a goddamn 700+ if you lived here longer.
2000/2400, 4.7 GPA: "So you taking the SAT tomorrow?"

2350/2400, 3.1 PA: "Yes. I got 2350 last time and I want a 2400!"

Guy 1: *smiles and quickly walks away* *Mumbles to himself* "Fucking rich assholes who don't understand that there are too many things that don't add up on this test!"
by Melvin172092222 October 13, 2009
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