284 definitions by Megasus Thrist Jesus Christ

this is nothing but an escape clause in all legal proceedings so criminals have an absolute guaranteed way out of all crimes if they know how to work the system...with this technology and new age everything could be instant and this is why it's not. because no one would get away and criminals are ruling the world...you can't start no business without lots of blood money. and cheap workers or slave workers who you don't have to pay. thats why little business new small business can't ever succeed legitimately
Due process and the court system so faulty every innocent person who try to go through all this would get lock up no matter how good they are. forever too
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people go missing but got tired of the evil people they live with and join the military and start a new life
i saved all the missing children in the world and now they trying to take credit for it and lock me up in prison forever so when they speak about it, i can't say i did it and they took all my rewards. and lock up an innocent person in prison forever.
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a navia is something like a pariah but worst, even worst than a pyraiah, its an ugly as monster looking alian from outer space, that dress up like a human to have sex with earthlings because its true form is so hideous, and even the human form they pick, no one would have sex with them anyway so they tend to try to be police officers or use police officers to lock them up forever and rape them non stop because they are so perverted and sexual deviant and is so fucking nasty. they say all african american and asian people are aliens from another world...i however not about to find out and verify, you can edit the last part out if it causes problem people knowing the truth. i dont know the rules but i dont know why they dont just have sex with each other , like they cant even do it to their own species.
i kill every navia that tries to rape me.
by Megasus Thrist Jesus Christ April 23, 2022
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this is the new generation of Halloween thats spreading like wild fire across the world to keep our children safe. instead of kids going out wearing costumes. they stay at home and you leave candy in their mail box where they have a container on the other side in their home or on the porch and you don't even see the kids but we do it just because we love them and they do this for a long time anyway. kids can still go to halloween costumes parties or school parties if they wish to. we ask this be done in the day time and not at night. so they can collect it before night starts. so we ask people with jobs prepare before and do it before or after work depending on the time you work. we can make a world a better place together.
New Halloween is the New Lit.
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this is the new generation of Halloween thats spreading like wild fire across the world to keep our children safe. instead of kids going out wearing costumes. they stay at home and you leave candy in their mail box where they have a container on the other side in their home or on the porch and you don't even see the kids but we do it just because we love them and they do this for a long time anyway. kids can still go to halloween costumes parties or school parties if they wish to. we ask this be done in the day time and not at night. so they can collect it before night starts. so we ask people with jobs prepare before and do it before or after work depending on the time you work. we can make a world a better place together. we ask for the houses with kids who want candy to have their porch light on all day to know which house has kids. and please don't decide for the kids or listen to kids who don't know what candy is or only had nasty candy and not the good kind. please make sure to get good candy kids love and not just any kind. its not hard to find out and you can't try more than one at a time it will taste different when you blend different types of candy , by eating them at the same time or back to back.
New Halloween is the New Lit.
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DD Diabolo Day is May 22nd every year. this is the worst day of the year where all the bad and evil stuff is likely plan out or start to sprout from a seed after being nurture and frown upon for some time. this is the day all the curses thought of, and superstitions and everything that create bad luck. the day mirrors are made on but trust me...nothing is trace back to this day. its clever range through out time waiting for its chance to shine in its darkness. people thought making everyone stay home on this day would solve it but no that gave people too much time to think. this is also the day the prison system and slave system was made up . so now everyone who is a slave and prisoner lives a diabolo day forever planning evil because this evil was done to them even if they are freed and compensated. don't take back what was lost especially reputation and fame and glory. no remedy is known yet. the day Transylvania was built the birthplace of mad scientist. even people who try to bring dead people back to life and made what they call today zombies. Diabolo Day is DD or double D for short
its no safe way to deal with Diabolo Day.
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this is a name to refer to a short ass man because he's a little pathetic as bitch who rape little children non stop all his life because he not tall enough to date a grown woman. and when the children grow up they leave him too. even if he was tall he still ugly as hell and just using that as a excuse , and his small dick can't even satisfy a little baby anyway or an asian baby girl. i just had to put this because so many people wondering what a mitch is and its causing the world war 3 so im posting to stop the war and save the world
i peg that for a mitch when i was a little kid and more man than him and now he just want to kiss the ground i walk on.
by Megasus Thrist Jesus Christ April 27, 2022
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