4 definitions by Mediarazzi

Pronounced, "code-oner."

A coding boner; it's the "excitement boner," a coder or programmer realizes upon solving a major coding error or challenge. The male equivalent of coding nip-ons or "code-ons."
"Dude, I finally got the JSON file to execute properly. I'm so excited I got a code boner—a codoner!"
by Mediarazzi July 4, 2017
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Dried nasal mucous (booger) on the screen of a smart phone, typically caused by people using their phones after picking their nose or wiping a runny nose.
He handed me his phone to use but -- yuck! -- it was covered with screenshnot.
by Mediarazzi December 1, 2014
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Awkwardly large, over-Botoxed lips; derived from, "Lips O' Plenty."
Damn, if her LOPs were any bigger, she'd need to fly south for the winter.
by Mediarazzi March 2, 2020
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Sweat or make-up residue built-up on the screen of a smart phone.
I couldn't make out the photo on her phone because it was clouded by screen schvitz.
by Mediarazzi December 1, 2014
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