11 definitions by Me-hung-low

A person holding a yoga ball in the game of ball ball.
see Baller.
person 2:I'm not bieng the jumper if we're playing ball ball again.
person 1:hehehehe.....Fine, you can be the baller this time.
pseron 2:Oh no! You're not gonna trick me again!
by Me-hung-low August 19, 2006
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Pronun key: (Yoh-gah-ball)
1.A giant rubber ball, used for Yoga, a type of exercise, in which they bend, and flew over the ball, to become more bendable, and more flexible.
2. A giant rubber ball, which people use for Ball ball, in which, the baller/Jumper, holds the ball and the charger rams into the ball, "launching" the baller.
1.Person 1:Wanna go do some yoga?
person 2: Alright, I gotta get flexible anyways. I'll get the yoga ball.

2.Person 1:Yo! Let's go be idiots and play some ball ball!
person 2: Alright man! Let's go!

10 minutes later.
person 2:I knew I shouldn't have been the baller...
person 1: It's just a broken leg, you're fine.
by Me-hung-low August 19, 2006
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Pronunciation key( Com-pen-sayt)
1. To make up for something that you don't have.
2. see compensation
1.Dude, He's just blowing smoke 'cause he's compensating for not having a good computer.

2.|\/|4|\|!!!! 1'|\/| go1|\|g 7o |<111 7|-|a7 guy on <5!!!(Man!!!!, I'm going to kill that guy on CS)
me: Dude, you're 1337 sucks. stop trying to compensate 'cause you don't have his skills
by Me-hung-low August 14, 2006
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Pronun key: Ball-ball
Noun: A game
Ball ball is a game, where one person is holding a yoga ball, and another person charges at the Baller(The person holding the yoga ball). The Baller, is also knows as the Jumper, because, when the Charger, charges at the Baller, The baller jumps in the air, where normally, The charger and Jumper get bounced back for, or, the Baller, Ends up fliping, Around, Or Over the Charger.
Friend 1:Yo, lets go play some ball ball man.
friend 2:I'm still injured from the last time you flipped me when we played....
Friend 1:........So are we playing or are you a pussy?
by Me-hung-low August 18, 2006
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