2 definitions by Mayflowerrrrr

A wonderful woman. Cares deeply and sincerely about people. May put her heart on the line for the wrong people, but that is how God made her. Walks in her own giftings, which others are jealous of and they try to walk in them. Misunderstood a lot. Beautiful inside and out. Has been through more than most in life, but handles it quietly. She doesn't have a manipulative bone in her body, and would never take insecurities out on others. Honest to a fault. Glad to call her a friend.
Have you seen Kathy lately? She is glowing.
by Mayflowerrrrr September 2, 2018
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Not how you would normally think of the word. A mom who would do anything for her kid. Has to put up with many snotty family members who are entitled and spoiled.
That mom is the predator! Don't mess with her kids.
by Mayflowerrrrr September 2, 2018
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