2 definitions by Matthewbe

Pronounced like "zoffee"

1. A type of coffee made to be purposely very sweet. Usually made by adding a large excess of sugar and/or creamer.

2. A common mistake of spelling "coffee".
1. Seth: Hey man what kind of coffee is this? It's so sweet and sugary!

Matt: Man, this is xoffee, I just added a ton of creamer and sugar!

Seth: Insane! This is better than coffee!

2. Her: Did you pick me up any xoffee?

Him: Xoffee? You mean coffee?

Her: Oops I mispelled it. Yea, coffee! Well, did you...
by Matthewbe January 23, 2012
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1. A type of coffee made to be purposely very sweet. Usually made by adding a large excess of sugar and/or creamer.

2. A common mistake of spelling "coffee".
1. Seth: Hey man what kind of coffee is this? It's so sweet and sugary!

Matt: Man, this is xoffee, I just added a ton of creamer and sugar!

Seth: Insane! This is better than coffee!

2. Her: Did you pick me up any xoffee?

Him: Xoffee? You mean coffee?

Her: Oops I mispelled it. Yea, coffee! Well. did you?
by Matthewbe February 5, 2012
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