2 definitions by MatthewAndersonUS80

Also "Freakin' Donut!"

1. A replacement for the F-word.

2. A name to call people just for fun or as an insult.

3. Something an idiot yells after jumping out of a corner just to scare a girl.

4. A made up underground city in Czechoslovokia.

5. Part of the phrase "Another day, another Freakin' Donut!"

6. A word The Beatles never said or related to.

7. Something somebody says in anger.
Def 2: I hate you Ben and I think you're a Freakin' Donut!

Def 7: This movie sucks! Freakin' Donuts!
by MatthewAndersonUS80 December 31, 2011
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1) A fictional bush that grows pickles.
2) Something an idiot would yell at people.
3) Meaning something or someone is completely pointless.
3) What? You got fired? Your boss sure is a picklebush.
by MatthewAndersonUS80 February 5, 2010
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