1 definition by Matthew The Boomer

A technological boomer is someone who rejects any type of proprietary software/device and has the purpose of “tracking” you. Their argument is that newer technology, especially software and Google/Apple (which are the main distributors) devices are made with the purpose of not only bloating your device with all sorts of useless features what you will not use, but also track every step you take. A technological boomer, in this case, would become an advocate for the use of non-proprietary/free and specially open source programs. They will always say that it is totally possible to use FOSS only and be able to ditch all the corporation crap. With this in mind, you will become more free, private and safer. These “evil corporations” will no longer be able to see the shady/explicit content on the websites you visit.

They also say that smartphones are evil (because they are controlled by these big corps.) and people should take a step back and return to the old days when we only had cellphones with no GPS/internet capability and stop with the use of social media because they make you addictive to them and actually get a proper life by raising up your arse and going outside and meet people in real life rather than giving all your data to a company that could use it against you if they wanted to.
Have you seen that Luke Smith guy on YouTube? Man, he is definitely a technological boomer! He is always saying we should stop using proprietary stuff and that these big tech companies are selling our data to advertisers.
by Matthew The Boomer June 24, 2020
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