2 definitions by MasterKeyMagic

A term used by people who don't understand the meaning of either of these words.

Typically used by shy extroverts to describe themselves, mistaking their shyness as introversion.

A person who is neither extroverted (needs external stimulation) or introverted (self-stimulates) is called an ambivert.
Karens Tinder Bio: I'm an introverted-extrovert! Shy at first but once I get to know you, I can't stfu!

Everyone reading Karens Bio: Ah great, another shy extrovert. (swipes left)
by MasterKeyMagic May 4, 2022
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A term used by people who don't understand the meaning of either of these words.

Typically used by shy extroverts to describe themselves, mistaking their shyness as introversion.

A person who is neither extroverted (needs external stimulation) or introverted (self-stimulates) is called an ambivert.
Karens Tinder Bio: I'm an introverted-extrovert! Shy at first but once I get to know you, I can't stfu!

Everyone reading Karens Bio: Ah great, another shy extrovert. (swipes left)
by MasterKeyMagic May 4, 2022
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