1 definition by Master Samus

A hoeseph is to be a female 'bro' or 'broseph' to another person (this other person can be male or female). This is only to be used for females that follow the brother code and is never an insult.

Derived from the word hoe, a female derogatory, though manipulated in the tough exterior from a friend to appear humorous and not a legitimate insult. Followed up and replaced in broseph form.

A hoeseph is the equivalent female version of broseph. Males and females may have multiple brosephs and hoesephs.
Guy Friend - Hey broseph is that your girl friend?

You - Nah man, she's cool though... She's my hoeseph.

Guy Friend - A hoeseph of yours is a hoeseph of mine, welcome to the group!

Female Friend/Hoeseph - Thanks broseph!
by Master Samus May 28, 2011
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