2 definitions by Maskolicism

A new religion started in the year 2020 contrived on the belief that any piece of cloth draped across your face will save you from the ravages of a disease that you have a 99.8% chance of surviving. As with all religions, Maskolicism rejects any scientific evidence or opinions that are contrary to the teachings and rely solely on faith in political rhetoric for justification of their positions. All members actively avoid cognitive dissonance by attacking any non-supporting science regardless of veracity and personally attacking all non-believers, painting them as heretics who care nothing of others well being. They also reject any potential cure or treatment that is supported, discovered or provided by any person they disagree with.
I can't believe bob hasn't joined us at the church of Maskolicism yet. He knows how important our teachings are in keeping the non-thinking majority in line. How else are we going to test the limits of the public's tolerance to abolishing the constitution and forcing a dictatorship on them. Ur, um, I mean how else will we survive this catastrophe.
by Maskolicism November 12, 2020
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Used to act incredulous and deflect blame when you're called out for being corrupt, an asshole and a liar.
Hey Joe, there's actually a video tape of you admitting to blackmailing the Ukrainians.
O come on man, that has been totally debunked. my homies already said it didn't happen.
by Maskolicism October 23, 2020
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