3 definitions by Maryoussef

Someone who has an attractiveness rating of less than 5/10.
Sometimes the term subanimal is used for those below 3/10.
Man look at this guy's recessed chin, what a sub-human!
by Maryoussef August 12, 2022
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A person whose face is rated less than 3/10 on the attractiveness scale.
Such people have major facial flaws, especially in the eye area, which includes one or more of the following:
- a recessed chin
- a downward-grown mandible
- a noticeable negative canthal tilt
- excessive upper eyelid exposure
- excessive scleral show
- very high-set eyebrows
- balding
- high levels of fat, especially when it leads to a double chin
- acne
- buggy eyes
- a large philtrum
- a long midface
- abnormal interpupillary distance, no matter how small

Having two or more of these traits would cause people to prefer sleeping with a dog instead of that person.
I cannot make eye contact with Johnny, he's so repulsive.
Yeah bro, he's a textbook example of a subanimal.
by Maryoussef August 13, 2022
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Guy who believed his wife had sex with a ghost, while the cunt had another man's seed, most probably a Chad.
LOL Saint Joseph, Marie's wife, is suck a cuckold
by Maryoussef April 5, 2022
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