3 definitions by MaryPoppins

that excrutiating time of the year when you are forced to spend time with your monster-in-law as well as other assorted relatives that you generally avoid the rest of the year; often accentuated by imbibing too many strong spirits to dull the senses, sometimes resulting in an exchange of ugly words that will require a cool down period, usually until the next helliday
I wished Jason Happy Hellidays, knowing he would be spending time with his wife's family.
by MaryPoppins December 29, 2007
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an exceptionally dark beer or ale, usually drunk by men who need an extra kick at Happy Hour
Jonny said to Eric, "What are you drinking there - motor oil?"
by MaryPoppins December 29, 2007
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When someone absconds with items for your lunch, opens up your candy, or takes whatever tasty treat you have brought to work for yourself
Eric: What happened to the crackers I left on the table?
Patty: You've been prived.
by MaryPoppins October 30, 2007
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