3 definitions by Mary Poole

The term "Yamahauler" is a common insult used ridacule a motocross message board user who is lacking severely in the skills department. Yamahaulers are easily found before they even get there first posts. Just look for the guy whos been logged on for days thinking what should I posts today.He portrays himselve as a reel racer with black plastic, cut fenders, baggy pants, Metal Mulisha stickers everywhere, and a bike that has a blown third gear. In fact he cant type or post any better than he rides. Most Yamahaulers turn to art in there time away from the "boards"
Hay did you see that 81 Yamaha IT 250 at that garage sale? Must be a Yamahauler living there, five years worth of dust on it.
by Mary Poole January 2, 2007
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The term "Yamahauler" is a common insult used ridacule a motocross message board user who is lacking severely in the skills department. Yamahaulers are easily found before they even get there first posts. Just look for the guy whos been logged on for days thinking what should I posts today.He portrays himselve as a reel racer with black plastic, cut fenders, baggy pants, Metal Mulisha stickers everywhere, and a bike that has a blown third gear. In fact he cant type or post any better than he rides. Most Yamahaulers turn to art in there time away from the "boards"

Hay did you see that 81 Yamaha IT 250 at that garage sale? Must be a Yamahauler living there, five years worth of dust on it.
by Mary Poole December 27, 2006
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The term "Yamahauler" is a common insult used ridacule a motocross message board user who is lacking severely in the skills department. Yamahaulers are easily found before they even get there first posts. Just look for the guy whos been logged on for days thinking what should I posts today.He portrays himselve as a reel racer with black plastic, cut fenders, baggy pants, Metal Mulisha stickers everywhere, and a bike that has a blown third gear. In fact he cant type or post any better than he rides. Most Yamahaulers turn to art in there time away from the "boards"
Hay did you see that 81 Yamaha IT 250 at that garage sale? Must be a Yamahauler living there, five years worth of dust on it.
by Mary Poole December 21, 2006
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