2 definitions by Marcus the Blacksmith

The act of receiving a blowjob, whilst on the toilet, taking a dump. The releasing of the bowels intensifies orgasm.

(Origin: Portnoy's Complaint by Philip Roth)
One morning I was minding my own business, taking a dump, when Cindy decided to surprise me with The Roth.
by Marcus the Blacksmith August 4, 2007
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Having sexual intercourse with and ejaculating into any raw cut of meat (e.g. liver, porterhouse steak, pork roast), and then preparing and serving said meat (colloq. 'marinated') as a meal for one's immediate family or close friends.

(Origin: Portnoy's Complaint, by Philip Roth)
I was horrified when Andrew told me he'd done the Portnoy on the steak tartare I'd just enjoyed so heartily.
by Marcus the Blacksmith August 4, 2007
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