11 definitions by MandyM

Similar to daydreaming, zoning out usually involves obscure subject matter such as how toothpicks are made or what will happen when squirrels take over the world. Common among, but not imited to, those with ADD or ADHD.
Chester was so zoned out that he didn't even notice Jim slapping him in the back of the head.

"I'm sorry, what? I was zoned out.."
by MandyM November 16, 2005
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The freakin' most awesome game to come out of the 90's.
However, when asked, most people will go "Huh?" and walk away. I thought I was the only person who remembered pogs...
John- "OMG I was going through my shtuff last night and I found this huge box of pogs!!"
Me- "Yesss!"
Idiot 1- "Huh?" (walks away)
by MandyM November 5, 2005
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(There are many different spellings for this word.)
Word used to describe the combination of the holidays Christmas, Hannukah, and Quanzaa, either referring to as a whole or to the holiday season in general, so as not to be biased. Or just 'cause it sounds cool.
by MandyM December 10, 2005
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Suffix used to describe the elated feeling caused by a particular item, which can be attached to any noun to create the desired effect.
That hawaiian bread is so freaking good, every time I eat it i get a breadgasm.
I was walking through the department store, when I ran across this HUGE clearance sale... I almost had a sale-gasm.
by MandyM June 10, 2006
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