2 definitions by Mama<33

A very very hot person who is very nice !! They supppper cool 😆😆 they love to make among us jokes all the time !!!
(You):is that scarlet?
(Me):yeah their hot ❤️

(You):hey scarlet? Can you help me with this question it says “what’s 9-12”

(Scarlet):AMONG US!!!
by Mama<33 March 11, 2022
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A very annoying gay person. Pot only denies their gay to hide the fact they actually are 🙄. Pot often uses the come back “No u” when you call them gay. They also have a big crush on Alice (yttd), ranger (yttd), and Keaya (genshin). They also your mom everyone they can.
(You):“Hey pot your gay” (pot):“no u”

(You): “Hey pot what was the answer to number 6 on our math homework?” (Pot): “Your mom lol”
(You): “hey pot do you like Alice (yttd)? (Pot): “Yes that’s my husband <3”
by Mama<33 September 1, 2021
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