2 definitions by Madeanaccountjustforthisonewor

A name a 12 year old tiktok kid searched up to find a Yuri-Tarded joke
Person: What is your name?
Me: Oh haha my name is Yuri
Person: Yuri-Tarded
Me: Damn bro got the whole squad lauhing
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A man who would do anything for his truck, works at home depot, is most likely ginger and he usually wears camo shirts and cargo pants. If you meet a Randy, expect the first thing he says will be "Hey girl get in my pickup truck, you shouldn't be worrying about a disease that has a 99% survival rate!" (jokes aside if you actually think like that the circus is that way 👉)
Randy: I'm not sexually active because I actually respect women!
McDonalds employee: ok.
by Madeanaccountjustforthisonewor September 14, 2020
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