1 definition by Maddstocool


Jolain’s are beautiful, nice, caring, giving,hardworking,sexy,loving,exotic. She is very stubborn Just overall super amazing in every way possible. They're always the sweetest they can be with everyone. They listen to you if you need to vent and they're always there for you, no matter what. They are the most amazing friends/partner you could ever ask for and more. If you happen to be lucky enough to meet a Jolain, don't you EVER let her go. She will be the best thing that has ever happened to you. She can brighten any room she walks into! She's bubbly and cute and sexy all at the same time. Her personality is so unique, she can make an impact on your life with only meeting her once. You will never forget her and you will find yourself craving her presence.
Jolain is a keeper
by Maddstocool November 23, 2021
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