1 definition by Mad Mildred

Stands for "Swearing out loud". It's what you say when things go wrong and you're feeling frustrated or like the world is out to get you. It's a politer and funnier way of cussing. Unlike profanity, it isn't socially offensive. The great thing about using "swol" is that it defuses any feelings of anger or frustration you may be feeling. When you say cuss words like f*** or s***, they often make you feel angrier. Swol doesn't. Instead, when you say it, it's more likely to make you or other people around you laugh.
You can say "swol" whenever you are struggling with an activity, are feeling frustrated or when something disastrous has occurred.

Situation: You stub your toe.
You say: SWOL!

Situation: Someone steals your wallet.
You say: Swol!

Situation: You forget that you have an appointment with your physiotherapist.
You say: Swol

Situation: You can't beat a boss in a video game. Maybe you're playing Dark Souls - it's tough!
You say: Swol! Why does this game have to be so tricky?

Swol can also be used as a comparative adjective.
Example: "That was the swolliest thing I have ever done."
by Mad Mildred July 25, 2017
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