3 definitions by Machiniak

Young Sinatra is one of Logic’s, America rapper, alter-egos. He went by this name mainly in his first four released mixtapes. His fans use this name to refer to his style of rap from his earlier mixtapes. The name is also used to refer to Logic himself before releasing any albums (Aka. 2009-2013)
Man I wish Logic would drop some Young Sinatra stuff again. I miss those days.
by Machiniak April 8, 2018
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Besides Young Sinatra, rapper Logic’s second alter-ego goes by the name of Bobby Tarantio. Whereas Young Sinatra is referred to as the “old” Logic with an old-school style of rap, Bobby Tarantino is the side of Logic that raps and sings to trap music. This is the name of his fifth and sixth mixtapes called Bobby Tarantino and Bobby Tarantino II, which are a trap style mixtape. This name is also used to describe the trap style of music Logic makes.
Turn on some Bobby Tarantino stuff!
I perfer Bobby Tarantino over Young Sinatra. (Or vise versa)
by Machiniak April 8, 2018
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Maryland-born, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II is an American rapper. Although he has been working on music since before 2009, his fame seemed to skyrocket after the release of the somewhat controversial album titled Everybody. His terrible upbringing also has made for amazing content and hypnotizing storytelling through his raps. He has a wide variety of beautiful music for every mood and it’s all extremely well written. These styles include jazz, trap, 90s hip-hop, and melodical. The lyricism and fast flow Logic has is what has made him so popular in the music industry. His alter-egos also add onto the entertainment for him and his fans. (Young Sinatra and Bobby Tarantino)
Wow, did you hear Logic on the radio today? He’s one of the best rappers of the day!
by Machiniak April 8, 2018
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