14 definitions by Ma-Rak

Those skanky shorts that girls (sometimes guys) that are considered "short shorts".
1: Look at her! Dang she is nice!
2: Awesome slut shorts on her to.
1: They even say "Juicy"!
by Ma-Rak October 23, 2007
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(N.) What guys where around there eyes that is the equivelent of mascara. It is also called guy liner.This is typically worn by people who are under the stereotype of "emo".
Guyscara so doesn't look good on that emo kid over there. He needs to stop posing.
by Ma-Rak November 30, 2007
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Boots that girls/women wear that are knee high, usually made of leather and, have a heel.
Spencer: Look at those boots Nolan is wearing.
Ma-Rak: Those are some major slut boots.
by Ma-Rak September 28, 2007
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So so def is another way to say most definatly.
1: Are you going to the game?
2: So so def.
by Ma-Rak October 4, 2007
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2:OMG this kid is having a sneezeiure!1!1one!!eleven
by Ma-Rak January 6, 2008
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That flakey white stuff that falls off the doughnut while eating it. The stuff usually gets all over the front of your shirt and pants.
person 1: you got some doughnut debris on your shirt.

person 2: thanks for saving me.
by Ma-Rak January 23, 2008
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The feeling one experiences before a kiss is imminent.
This feeling of Sparkage comes upon especially with a first kiss and the awkward advances that follow it.
by Ma-Rak October 17, 2008
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