1 definition by MS-13 K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

San Mateo is divided into 2 gang areas The West Side (aka West Madtown or West Madeio) home of the WST (West Side Tongans or just the West Tonga Mob which are basically the tongan bloods) and and the Northenos (aka Northes or mexican bloods) and the other side is Shore View (aka SV or ESSV = East Side Shoreview) which is on the East and Northside which is home to the T.C.G (Tongan Crip Gang) and the Suranos (aka The Scraps or mexcian crips) They have wars between races. Most of the northside is white kids the south which is Hillsdale and Los Prados (aka LP) where the fake northes are and the faggot white kids are and in the hills the whites.
San Mateo Is a gang land
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