1 definition by MR.ORGASM

The unit of measure for the level of orgasm. The orgibel scale ranges from 1 to 5, in which 1 being the weakest and 5 being the strongest.

Orgibels are expressed through the characters oB.

eg. 1oB - 5oB

Note: The levels are averaged out between the two people. i.e you reach 3oB however you partner reaches 1oB together you guys reached 2oBs.
#1: Dude the other night while I was having it with that hot chick next door I nearly reached 5 orgbels!

#2: Aw dang it man I can only reach 1.5 orgibels.....

#1: Ha, you weak man, you soo weak.
by MR.ORGASM November 23, 2009
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