1 definition by MATSMO

the name of the most beautiful woman in the world, other woman were so jelous of Jane's that they made up a term for Jane's calling them plain because it rhymed and made them feel better about themselves cause they were not names jane and they are ugly.

can be highly taken for granted and care for everyone. If you like one, be honest with her because she cares for people including you and if you hurt her you’ll regret it for a long time.

janes are extremely clever and know more than you think.

janes hate fakes and when people try hard to be someone they’re not just to be cool.

janes are always the girls with the sense of humor in any group

jane's can also be that girl that had a crush on you in high school but you never dated, then she shows up at the reunion lookin all hot and successfull, then you kick your self in the ass for not being nicer to her because now she is hot and wont give you the time of day.

jane's are better then everyone, and are usually associated with class and wealth and beauty

the hot girl next door that you grew up next too is always named, or should always be named jane
“Wow, I should never have let Jane go.”
by MATSMO June 12, 2019
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