3 definitions by M8_101

he's a lanky prick who lives to seek out girls tits and finds them to DESTROY!!!

that's pretty much it, he looks like the Wal-Mart boy- watch out for that BOYYYY 🙂
David Batley- the big man himself
by M8_101 April 11, 2018
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this term is a term used by many people from boys to peens. Leslie Brown is the fattest cunt going. her curves are a phenomenon as she rolls down the street. if you're caught behind her, her fat rolls upon fat rolls will draw you into her and consume you then rape you with all her skin. she will then shit you back out and eat you then keep on walking.
by M8_101 January 22, 2019
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this term is a term used by many people from boys to peens. Leslie Brown is the fattest cunt going. her curves are a phenomenon as she rolls down the street. if you're caught behind her, her fat rolls upon fat rolls will draw you into her and consume you then rape you with all her skin. she will then shit you back out and eat you then keep on walking.
by M8_101 January 22, 2019
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