1 definition by LunarLife

The most beautiful of girls, so much so that she doesn't even need make-up. She has the cutest smile and the most adorable laugh.You can get lost in her beautiful blue eyes. She is easy to talk too and gets along well with everyone. She is the exact opposite of a whore. She is the most faithful person on the face of this Earth. You will never be able to forget the way she looked the first time you saw her. She is an amazing person , even though her life has been tough. She treats everyone with respect and truly cares about everyone in her life. She has the biggest heart and is a girl any guy would be lucky to have.
Me The game last week was amazing!
Todd You weren't even paying attention to the game, you were more focused on Katelyn!
Me Yeah, well it's hard not to be! She's stunning!
by LunarLife October 18, 2012
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