2 definitions by Luigi 3586

A person that developes Undertale fangames. Most known by his fangame Unnofficial Disbelief Papyrus. He's a member of the Team Unizone, a team that makes undertale fangames.
Known as "Cesar Augusto Andrade", he got really popular thanks to his disbelief papyrus fangame.
Somehow, a meme about him started to appear in 13th May that was about giving him credits for everything.
Person 1: Credits to Cezar Andrade for creating the universe.
Person 2: Credits to Cezar Andrade.
by Luigi 3586 September 4, 2020
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A youtube channel of a person that makes animations of fan-made fights of the popular game "Undertale". He usually just adds more phases to fights that already exists (Disbelief Papyrus Phase 5, Undertale: Last Breath Phase 4 are exapmles of them). His videos usually get really popular in no much time. He's also the creator of the meme "Credits to Cezar Andrade". His nickname on discord is Demo-Cezar. He hates the official disbelief but loves Cezar's mod.
Person 1: flamesatgames released and update of the official disbelief!
GH-Animations: disbeef is cringe tho
Person 2: credits to cezar andrade
GH-Animations: credits to cezar andrade
by Luigi 3586 September 4, 2020
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