2 definitions by Luc O'Zade

To run across a road at a fast pace without looking to see if there are any vehicles moving towards you in the hope of not getting hit by uncoming traffic. It was created in the late 90s/early 00s by Mark Mc Legend and some wigger.
Steve:Did you play gamble yesterday?
Andrew:Yea but i lost
Steve:O right i was wondering why we are in hospital
by Luc O'Zade January 26, 2008
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To run at a high pace across a road without looking for uncoming traffic in the hope of crossing the road without getting hit. Also you have to continually shout gamble while on the road. It was created in the late 90s/early 00s by Mark Mc Legend and Dee 'The Dolphin' Mc Creanor.
Steve:Did you play gamble yesterday?
Andrew:Yea but I lost
Steve:O yea i was wondering why we are in the hospital
by Luc O'Zade January 27, 2008
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