1 definition by Lover of Happiness and Peace

A religion/lifestyle founded by two very happy people in the year of our lord 2010:)

Mcferrinism is a religion/lifestyle based on Bobby Mcferrin, who wrote the song "Don't worry be happy", which is the main principle of Mcferrinism.

Mcferrinism is not like other religions in the way that Mcferrinists don't believe in a god, but rather try to stay happy and cheerful as much as possible. It is important to note that Mcferrinism does not forbid being angry or sad etc. but rather tries to promote a wave of joy and happiness:D
-Whoa that dude is really happy!
-I know, he must be a Mcferrinist.

-Dude, Don't worry be happy

Cause when you worry

Your face will frown

And that will bring everybody down

So don't worry, be happy.
- Wow, thanks, i feel so much better now, i think i'll convert to Mcferrinism.
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