3 definitions by Love4Catholicism! — the ONLY!

FORENSIC as an adjective has two senses: ❶ scientific methods used to investigate crimes; finding evidence to solve a crime. ❷ having to do with the courts or legal system.

FORENSIC EVIDENCE is collected to determine cause and manner of a death and/or crime. Forensic evidence may be used in a legal trial.
FORENSIC PATHOLOGY studies the human body to decide cause and manner of death.

FORENSIC ODONTOLOGY studies dentition, for identification.

FORENSIC TOXICOLOGY delves into drugs and poisons and what they may have done to someone.

FORENSICS is a noun that means ➔ Scientific tests or techniques used in connection with the detection of crime.
"When the manner of death is suspect, forensic experts are required to perform an autopsy."
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WOLF SPIDERS are named as such because they have to eat really fast, in other words, "WOLF" down their food, their prey, because they do NOT use webs to catch their prey. They are GROUND spiders, they hunt their prey on the ground. (They're fast runners.) Therefore, they have to devour, or WOLF DOWN, their "catch" very fast so other ground spiders don't come and try to snatch the "catch," something WEB-making spiders don't have to worry about.
"Honey! Come see this wolf spider wolf down this cockroach!"
"Oh dear, that's disgusting!"
"Yeah hon, it reminds me of how your grandpa eats a chicken leg! Disgusting!"
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The key to understanding the word AMBASSADOR is the word in the middle, "bass."

"Bass" has two main meanings with separate pronunciations.

Our focus is NOT on the musical instrument "bass" (rhymes with "base")

but on the FISH bass (rhymes with "ass") which has to do with

"ambassador's" terminology, its origins in Europe.

Bass is delicious and was in high demand in

European countries like Portugal, Iceland, and Greece.

Angling was common.

Many men would go off to work on commercial fishing vessels,

with bass being the main target.

Unfortunately, the larger bass, like Hogzillas and Big Mommas,

exuded a strong smell, which daily caused fishermen to

suffer ailments such as headaches, migraines, nausea.

This had a negative effect on the daily catch.

Losing profits was unacceptable.

In an effort to counter the detrimental effects of the offending stench, the fishermen

figured out that cutting off the bass's noses would negate the offending smell.

They took turns working an hour at a time exclusively on cutting

off the bass's noses, or, "amputate" the fish's noses so they won't

smell anymore, and therefore no one will get sick anymore.

The first syllable of AMBASSADOR comes from, "AMputate."
Second syllable is BASS.
The ending of AMBASSADOR, "ador," is an

Estonian transliteration of "odor," an unpleasant "smell"
Hence the word AMBASSADOR is derived from AMputate BASS's ODOR.
I enjoy fishing for delicious bass during the Summer, but when I catch one I have to immediately ambassador it, otherwise I would soon so feel nauseous and want to throw up. 🤢
by Love4Catholicism! — the ONLY! December 31, 2021
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