4 definitions by Lord Phobos

The name of a generic verbal flame-war that appears at LAN's. While usually located in proximity to Matt, this style of flame war is spreading like a plage, and cannot be stopped.

Like The Your mum insult, and the 1337 language and n00bs alike, this style of flame war is devolving the english language to the point of an ape, and can be seen devolving within a 5-minute time period.
"Your mum!"
"No, your matt!"
"No, you suck!"
"No, you!"
(More indistinguishable grunts appear at this point, at loud volume.)
by Lord Phobos March 15, 2005
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A derivation of Your mum, in which you reveal the stupidity of their insults.
Tool: Your mum!
You: No, your matt!
by Lord Phobos March 13, 2005
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The sickest spacefighter ever in existence. (see Babylon 5, season 3 episode "Severed Dreams")
"That fighter is nothing compared to a 'fury"
by Lord Phobos April 4, 2003
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What you call a computer that is heavily virus'd, or spam / spyware'd.
OMGxorz, your b0x has been Zeph'd!!!113
by Lord Phobos March 12, 2005
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