3 definitions by Loobergs

an average person who does not interest you in any way
Sanjay "Did you meet George's new flat mate?"

Rachel "Yeah."

Sanjay "Whatd you think?"

Rachel "Meh, bit of a lum lum"
by Loobergs February 24, 2014
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A bitchy alternative to the usual blank look most people have. This is a condition affecting the facial muscles, suffered by millions of women worldwide. People suffering from bitchy resting face (BRF) have the tendency look hostile and/or judgemental at rest. Their expression does not necessarily reflect how they are feeling inside. BRF can ruin friendships and first impressions, start fights and kill an atmosphere.
"I think Deborah hates me!!", "Nah don't worry Susie, she just has a nasty bitchy resting face"

"That customer just lectured me on customer service and threatened to take her business elsewhere! What did I do wrong?" "Prob just your BRF".
by Loobergs July 4, 2013
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A combination of slut and metro, a slutro is a person of low IQ and is often labelled as 'popular' through lack of a more appropriate word. We have now found one. Slutro's often wear too much make-up and their skin is generally orange in color.
'Omg, that slutro's triggers are blinding my eyes!'
by Loobergs July 21, 2008
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