4 definitions by Lolollllllllloolloll

Yes, technically speaking, smexy is combination of smart and sexy, but usually it’s used to describe something stupid or ugly but still funny
by Lolollllllllloolloll November 12, 2019
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Lily’s love having a laugh, but they also work hard. They manage to fit everything into their schedule, with plenty of time to spare. Lily’s can be a bit...ok, a lot stubborn sometimes, but usually not without good cause. If you see a Lily, make sure to become her friend, because she will always defend you, always have your back and never judge you.
“Doesn’t Lily look great today!”
“Yeah, but she won’t accept a compliment!”
by Lolollllllllloolloll July 8, 2019
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yes, I think you’ll find the term Gemini vegetarian is used by Elle Woods in Legally blonde when she is introducing herself to the people at harvard Law School. It is the two separate words “Gemini” as in the zodiac sign, and “vegetarian” as in someone that doesn’t eat meat, put together to make a new phrase.
Hi, I’m Elle woods, this is Bruiser Woods, and we’re both Gemini vegetarian s
by Lolollllllllloolloll December 14, 2019
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Hannah Baker is a character in the Netflix series 13 reasons why, in which she has left cassette tapes with 13 recordings each addressed to a specific person stating their part in her decision to kill herself. It is also used as a way of saying suicide without actually saying suicide, for example
Go Hannah baker yourself
by Lolollllllllloolloll March 28, 2020
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