2 definitions by Local Skag finders Union 69

One must find a handicapped person that wants to get up stairs so when they ride the electronic lift, you perform various sexual acts with them including anal and reverse cowgirl. This is the opposite of a tobogan but you stick your dick up their ass and ride them up, not down.
This dirty wheel chair slut made me give her a ski lift while going up to the 18th floor.
by Local Skag finders Union 69 October 13, 2006
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A lady who sits outside of casey general stores. Usually has a large cig hangin out of her mouth. Lives in the local trailor court and has a very raspy voice. Any lowlife, you see on the side of the road that looks like trailor trash and has sick long hair and looks like hell twice over.
Janice from Seneca, IL caseys. Definatly a skag
by Local Skag finders Union 69 October 9, 2006
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