16 definitions by LoFiNerdyGuy

An expression that applies to something that only shows up once or twice a year. But when it does, it takes you on an emotional tour of suplex City - bitch.
I mean Tony, I get it. Your Christmas bonus was $100 less than last year. "You Just Got Lesnar'd" by your cheap skate boss for the second time in two years. At least it doesn't happen often.
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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1.)A repeated source of blame found all over every form of mainstream news particularly after a violent or heartbreaking event occurs.

Prime examples of scapegoat Mantra include: video games, heavy metal, rap music, violent movies, pornography, Elvis Presley, Beethoven, virtually anything except for the actual reasoning behind said occurrence- If there is a reason to be found at all.

2.) The action that occurs after something as vile as a school shooting in which the media and ultra right-wing conservatives grasp for Ozzy Osbourne / Marilyn Manson / Mortal Kombat character shaped straws.
After Columbine everybody including Sally Jesse Raphael, Phil Donahue, and every Trainwreck talk show host had the same scapegoat mantra. Instead of looking at the desperation placed before us on every News Channel, magazine article, or front page of damn near every newspaper, they blamed Marilyn Manson.
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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