16 definitions by LoFiNerdyGuy

(C öl -uhn-sätch-iyun)

V.) The act in which one whose head is so far up their ass attempts to carry out a conversation full of "facts" with those who posess common sense and understand these are utter shit.
"Sorry I'm late. Some mid-60's Trump-Strumpet was insistant about carrying on a colonsation with me about water turning frogs gay and weaponized polar bears."
by LoFiNerdyGuy August 30, 2019
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A politician whose best contribution to society would be if they were to cut their foot on a sharp rock and go swimming in shark-infested waters.
Did you see who the almighty Cheeto just hired on to be part of his cabinet? No, but I'm pretty sure they're another "Polishitstain."
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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One of the many socially acceptable brush off tactics the "thoughts and prayers(™)" generation defaults to Whenever there is something wrong in the world.
"All these hurricanes, school shootings, violent video games, Homer sexuals getting married, this world's got a prayer problem."

You know what Debbie? You are absolutely right. This world does have a prayer problem. In the sense your generation would rather rely on thoughts and prayers to put out a house fire than treat people with basic human dignity or get up off of your ass and try to make this world a better place. Now quickly, go make a hundred Facebook posts about this prayer problem and make yourself look like a bigger inbred dipshit.
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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N.) Trump Strumpet

1.)A usually over the hill fangirl of "The Donald". Positively rabid over their Cheeto dusted golden god.

A Trump groupie. Honestly, the worst damn kind.

2.) A female Trump groupie that would get on her knees and visit the Mushroom Kingdom the very second "Don"Juan dumb shit vocalized anything remotely sounding like words.

3.) A trump supporter that has sexual fantasies about a wig wearing Cheeto and believes anything he says. Generally dumb as a brick.
Jesus Christ Karen stop being such a "Trump strumpet." You're 63, not even in his age range. You want to make America great again? Put your goddamn titty away.
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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1.) An action that occurs when a keyboard Warrior is hit with information that contradicts every single one of their claims causing them to say some of the stupidest shit seen on social media.

2.) Something a keyboard Warrior does after you prove them wrong, usually resulting in them being highlighted in a future Rob Gavigan's "why would you put that on the internet?" video.
Okay "BelleDaphineisBae420XXX" you claim iguanas can fly after you feed them a solid amount of reefer.. but I just showed you a dozen videos proving otherwise.

No I'm not a mayonnaise drinking necrophiliac. You can stop Wounded Warrior Projecting now..
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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A deeply poetic language spoken by an ancient 1990's showman. It sounds exactly like how you would thought plaid would sound.

Oh, Vedder Speak. Such a poetic language. Never change.
by LoFiNerdyGuy September 4, 2019
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A sexual act carried out in which the partners are in missionary position. The person on top thrusts feverishly while staring into their Lovers Eyes and at the moment of mutual climax they headbutt the bottom in the bridge of the nose causing them to see stars.
Oh baby, let me take a second and just stare into those beautiful eyes.
*Rapid Jackhammering*

-"ME TOO!"



by LoFiNerdyGuy September 20, 2018
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